Oh man, this track is pure sex. You must listen to this track. Absolutely beautiful transitions between melody and drop. PS you will buy it at > http://bit.ly/ol1YjU
- Hardstyle Or No Style - Support the artists, buy the tracks!
Some really tanned ravers... Some how... but tbh who cares!
I personally think melancholia is a better track than Far From Reality, but they are very similar tracks. And both deserv a listen/a view of the girls ;)
- Hardstyle Or No Style - Support the artists, buy the tracks!
This one today is from Wasted Penguinz. I do love this track. Their use
of the melody and the bass is perfect for going from sitting on your
chair to jumping around and raving like you just don't care! And it always takes me far from reality.
- Hardstyle Or No Style - Support the artists, buy the tracks!